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Door Heating System for Antarctic Environmental Project Ready to Ship

JT News | 27th October, 2021

Jointing Tech Trace Heating Division are supporting the British Antarctic Survey as they conduct vital research into some of the most important environmental issues facing our planet today.

As part of the research project a new wharf, storage and living quarters are being constructed in Rothera as it offers a relatively accessible position on the Antarctic Peninsula.

There are a significant number of practical and technical hurdles to overcome when constructing anything in such hostile conditions so Jointing Tech Trace Heating were commissioned to create a heating system that will stop the external steel doors from freezing shut in the -40-degree temperatures. 

After a thorough research and design mission, the successful system is now ready to ship to Antarctica for installation into the project.

Jointing Tech Trace Heating are known globally as innovative project problem solvers, whether it be heating an art gallery glass roofing structure to prevent the build up of heavy snow, bespoke leak detection systems in data centres across the globe or creating a door anti-freezing system to be installed in Antarctica, the team at Trace Heating are able to craft bespoke, pioneering solutions to even the most challenging project.

Contact the team today to find out more: http://www.traceheatingtech.co.uk/

Door Heating System for Antarctic Environmental Project Ready to Ship