Electricians Insulating Gloves
from only £59.20 Ex VAT
Regeltex Electrovolt Insulating Gloves Class 0 1,000v usage 36cm length. EN 60903 and IEC 60903
Recommended to be used in conjunction with leather over gloves for mechanical protection
- Insulating natural rubber gloves, cut edges
- Proof Test voltage to 5,000v, Max use voltage 1,000v
- Available in sizes 6 to 12
- Length 36mm
The ergonomic shaped glove with slightly powdered interior. The natural rubber provides dielectric properties.
- Periodic
The insulating gloves have no expiry date and can be used as long as they pass periodic inspections. The date of inspections start from the date the gloves are sourced from your supplier.
It is recommended to test gloves in service every six months and gloves in stock every 12 months. The recommended method of testing is visual inspection and dielectric testing.
- Before Use
Full visual inspection of each glove. Use a manual air pressure device for testing the glove by inflating it and thus detecting any defects.
If a glove is defective, both the gloves should not be used.
Other Class’s of gloves and lengths available on request. Please contact office for availability and prices. These are:
CLASS Proof Test Voltage Max Use Voltage Length Part Ref
Class 1 10,000v 7,500v 36cm GLE36-1/xx
Class 2 20,000v 17,000v 36cm GLE36-2/xx
Class 3 30,000v 26,500v 36cm GLE36-3/xx
Class 0 5,000v 1,000v 41cm GLE41-0/xx
Class 1 10,000v 7,500v 41cm GLE41-1/xx
Class 2 20,000v 17,000v 41cm GLE41-2/xx
Class 3 30,000v 26,500v 41cm GLE41-3/xx
Class 4 40,000v 36,000v 41cm GLE41-4/xx